Jn2:13-22, Zeal for the House of God
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# Zeal for the
House of God ## John 2:13-22 >>> --- # What is Jesus **passionate** for? >>> + fervent **commitment**, in + both **emotion** + **action** + not based on what **I** think + but on **Scripture**'s account --- ## Gospel of *John*:
the Passion of the Christ + Early Ministry: **Appearance**
+ Ministry to the Public: **Signs**
+ Ministry to the Disciples: **Teaching**
+ **Death** and **Resurrection**
>>> + **Who** He is + **What** His heart cares about + 7 "**I am**" claims: + bread of life + light of world + door + good shepherd --- ## John 20:31
These are written that you may **believe**
that Jesus is the **Messiah**, the **Son of God**, and that by **believing**
you may have **life** in his name. >>> + in ch2: **who** is Christ? + son of **God** + true **temple** + what is His **passion**? + restore true **worship** + through His own **death** + resurrection --- ## Zeal for the House of God 1. House of **Merchants**
1. House of **My Father**
1. Sign of **Proof**
(v18, 20)
1. Sign of the **Temple**
(v19, 21-22)
When it was almost time
for the Jewish **Passover**,
Jesus went up to **Jerusalem**. >>> + annual **pilgrimage**, 200-300k Jews + **absence** would be conspicuous --- ## Cleansing the Temple | **First** Passover | **Third** Passover | |----------------|----------------| | [John 2](https://mobile.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=jn2.13-17) | [Matthew 21](https://mobile.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mt21.12-13)
[Mark 11](https://mobile.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=mk11.15-17)
[Luke 19](https://mobile.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=lk19.45-46) | | *Start* of ministry | *End* of ministry | >>> + 3 **Passovers** in John ---
In the **temple courts** he found
people selling **cattle**, **sheep** and **doves**, >>> + pilgrims from **far away** + could not bring **offerings** + bought in local **countryside** + but close to **start** of Feast, + move **inside** Temple outer court + **priests** charged **rent** + sellers **scalped** pilgrims ---
and others sitting at **tables**
exchanging **money**.
([Modern Israeli half-shekel](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3A0.5-Shekel-hatasham-RJP.jpg). © 2009 @rickjpelleg, CC-BY-SA 3.0)
>>> + **half-shekel** temple tax (Ex30:13) + Greek/Roman coins **not** accepted + graven images + "**token**" of arbitrary value + money-changers had **monopoly** + *tables*: semi-permanent stalls + e.g., use church **directory** to sell insurance + beyond that: **why** attend church? + so God can bless **my agenda**? --- ## 1 Timothy 6:4-5
They have an unhealthy interest in **controversies** ... constant **friction** between
people of **corrupt mind**, who think that **godliness**
is a means to **financial gain**. >>> + *gain*: not only financial + **route**, opening, procure + religious acts as a **tool** for success + ⇒ what do we **love**? + own success / gain? + is being in presence of the **Father** good enough? --- ## Do I attend **church** ## to seek the **Father** ## or to seek His **blessings**? >>> + chasing God's **will** + or my own **wealth**? --- ## Zeal for the House of God 1. House of Merchants
1. **House of My Father**
1. Sign of Proof
(v18, 20)
1. Sign of the Temple
(v19, 21-22)
So he made a **whip** out of cords,
and **drove** all from the temple courts,
both **sheep** and **cattle**;
Bernardino Mei, ["Christ Cleansing the Temple"](https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/u/0/asset/8gGjtgJKKO7AGQ), 1655. Getty Museum, LA
>>> + *whip*: for **animals** + not people + not to **punish** + but to **restore** court + to be "house of prayer for all nations" ---
he **scattered** the coins
of the money changers
and **overturned** their tables. >>> + *scattered*: distrib for **free** + *overturned*: revoke lease + break down **barriers** to worship ---
To those who sold **doves** he said,
“Get these **out** of here! Stop turning **my Father’s house**
into a **market**!” >>> + *market*: house of emporium + *my*: not yours: **relationship** + *Father*: submission of Son + but also **identification** of Son with Father + *house*: home, **dwelling** + not marketplace ---
His disciples **remembered** that it is written:
“**Zeal** for your house will **consume** me.”
Alexander Bida, ["Jesús expulsa a los mercaderes del Templo"](https://www.gci.org/files/images/ab/index2), 1885
>>> + *zeal*: fervent **commitment** in both emotion + action + seek, pursue, jealous + *consume*: **eat** up, swallow whole, **burn** completely + *remembered*: + **immediately**, not after resurrection (v22) + Jesus' **passion** for Father's **holiness** + and restored **worship** + remembered Messianic Psalm 69: --- ## Psalm 69:7,9
For I endure **scorn** for your sake,
and **shame** covers my face.
Zeal for **your house** consumes me,
and the **insults** of those
who insult you fall on me. >>> + not an outburst of **rage** + but deep **sorrow** + sorrow over what? + *insult*: cast scorn / blame + attack God's **character** + *Your house*: not a building, + but **dwelling** + holy **congregation** + **unified** in following after God --- ## 1 Cor 3:16-17
Don’t you know that you **yourselves**
are God’s **temple**
and that God’s **Spirit** dwells in your midst? If anyone **destroys** God’s temple,
**God** will destroy that person; for God’s temple is **sacred**,
and **you together** are that temple. >>> + **personality** cults + **splitting** the church + follow Paul, Apollos, Cephas, etc. --- ## Am I **consumed** with sorrow
over **attacks** on ## God's **character** or **church**? >>> + what Jesus was **passionate** about + char: **insult**, reproach, scorn + church: **dwelling**, corporate **worship** --- ## Zeal for the House of God 1. House of Merchants
1. House of My Father
1. **Sign of Proof**
(v18, 20)
1. Sign of the Temple
(v19, 21-22)
The Jews then **responded** to him,
“What **sign** can you show us
to prove your authority to **do** all this?”
F. A. Ludy, ["Christ Curses the Pharisees"](http://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/image/V0034553.html), 1843.
>>> + *Jews*: cultural/**religious** leaders + in **charge** of temple worship + *prove authority*: + that you do all these? + **response** to His actions + **protect**, validate + show **to us**: + I **decide** if it's convincing --- ## 1 Cor 1:22-23
(NASB, p.1/2)
For indeed Jews ask for **signs**
and Greeks search for **wisdom**;
but we preach Christ **crucified**,
to Jews a **stumbling block**
and to Gentiles **foolishness**, >>> + prove **power** / authority + prove **wisdom** + logic, eloquence, pithy + **crucifixion** seems weak / foolish --- ## 1 Cor 1:24
(NASB, p.2/2)
but to those who are **the called**,
both Jews and Greeks, Christ the **power** of God
and the **wisdom** of God. >>> + in reality: **I** need to + **change** my understanding of + power + wisdom --- # Do I demand **proof** from God? >>> + **threats**, ultimatums + Do this, then I'll **believe** + Do this, or else I **won't** believe --- ## Zeal for the House of God 1. House of Merchants
1. House of My Father
1. Sign of Proof
(v18, 20)
1. **Sign of the Temple**
(v19, 21-22)
>>> + Jesus' **response** to demand for sign? + Other times: + just says "**no**" + 3rd Passover: **John** Baptist + sign of **Jonah**: death + res + Here: sign of **Temple** ---
Jesus answered them,
“Destroy this **temple**,
and I will **raise** it again in three days.”
But the **temple** he had spoken of
was his **body**. >>> + quoted by false **witnesses** at trial + not to **prove** He is God + not subjunc / hypothetical: "If" + sign: **testimony** against them + what **they** will do + what **He** will do + **destroy** old defn of worship + rite, culture, legalism + **raise up** new worship + explained in Ephesians: --- ## Ephesians 2:20-22
**Christ Jesus** Himself [is] the **corner stone**,
in whom the whole **building**,
being **fitted** together,
is growing into a **holy temple** in the Lord,
in whom you also are being **built together**
into a **dwelling of God** in the Spirit. >>> + new **temple**: us in Christ + Jesus' **passion** for + God's **holiness** and + restored **worship** + passion: not just **emotion** + but committed **action** ---
After he was **raised** from the dead,
his disciples **recalled** what he had said. Then they **believed** the **Scripture**
and the **words** that Jesus had spoken.
[Entrance to the Garden Tomb](https://www.flickr.com/photos/ian-w-scott/4014339437/), Jerusalem. © 2009 Ian W Scott, CC-BY-SA 2.0
>>> + **eyewitnesses** to Jesus' passion + **who** Jesus is + **what** He's passionate for + ⇒ **believe** --- ## **Who** is Jesus? ## What is He **passionate** for? >>> + believe Jesus is **Messiah** + **life** in His name ---
His disciples **remembered** that it is written:
“**Zeal** for your **house** will **consume** me.” ---